yo yo yo
6:55 PM | 10-26-03

SOOO this weekend was pretty damn "SWEEEET" as Sam would say. We really did have lots of fun, as soon as Sam got here I pretty much forgot everythign that sucked this past week. Bad, School, People, EvERyThIng!! YAY! So yah, we tooled around good 'ol Marquette Friday, went shopping, spent waaay too much money, and then went out. I got a sweet red northface jacket and shoes, and Sam managed to somehow buy two more freakin pairs of shoes. This girl has like 200 pairs, I am not kidding, and in every color for every outfit. CRAZY. I was never a "shoe" girl I guess. I buy crazy stuff, nice jackets, 500 tee-shirts, stuff to decorate my room, funky lil things someone always asks "Hey where ya get that?" Going out Friday was fun, we "finagled" a tad to get Sam iin the door, but there were no problems, she got in like butter. So we drank, talked with Allison and Erika and randoms, and had a delightful time. Sam and I ended up leaving at like 1 and went to visit some other peeps. Pretty good night I*d say. Last night we went to the bars again, and Sam got kicked outta one bar so she went to another party and I stayed with Allison. Kinda boring, Yankees lost...boo...actually I could care less. I came home around 2 and changed the clocks. That was my highlight. Sooo didnt do too much. Today I went to my AGD meeting, Togo*s w/ Sam, and then spent some MORE money i dont really have, and then went and saw Jeff, watched the lions lose horrible yet AGAIN, and now I*m chillin with SAm helping her write her re-admission letter back into NMU. She*s leavin tomorrow and it*s supposed to snow so I*m a lil worried about that. EEEkkk...but what can ya do? BAD didnt call me allllll weekend long till today, weirdly enough, 5 minutes after I was bitching to Sam about how much I would liek to punch him. Liek I said before, they always know...how much they can push it till we crack. AHHHH...pisses me Right the hell off! So anyway, things with that are sketchy....but oh well. I*m tired of caring, very tired of worrying, and even more tired of waiting around till someone care senough to act liek a human being and think about someone else*s feelings. SOOOO.....screw um...haha...Welp, that*s all I have to say, had a great weekend, enjoyed mysely thouroughlly...(when i figure out how to spell that, i8ll letcha know) peace out!

P.S. Bars are really expensive after ya turn 21 and no one pays for your drinks anymore :( LAME!

DiRty StuFf || All ClEaN!!


ConTacT Me
AIM: happylilbunny17

Time: 6:55 PM
Date: 10-26-03
Eating:Nothing :/
Wearing:Clothes, I hope!
Hearing: Typing
Reading: Papers
Chatting w/: No one
Thinking: too much.
Wanting: so much.

<< T0DAY I*m feelin'
The current mood of amyleigh17@hotmail.com at www.imood.com

<< Who Am i!?
Pierced.Saracastic.Giving.Emotional. Sleepy.Lazy.Broke.Shy.Crazy.Silly.Sweet.Babygirl.Scared.Bored.Damaged.Bitchy. Fabulous.PunkRockStar.Moody. Misunderstood.Understanding.Hyper.Funny.Obsessive.Confused.Naughty.Psycho. Wild.Sympathetic.Weird.Unique.Cute.Evil.

Meter Thanx for commin!! *MUAH*
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