My last...first day
20:37:39 | 2000-08-29

Ya know how like the night before ye first day of skewl yer scrambeling around doing laundry, packing yer backpack with funky lookin pens, and other things you begged yer parents to buy you and know you*ll never need...well anyway today was absolute hell....Nicole spent the night as usual...its our thing...Nicole has been spending the night every night on the night before the first day of skewl ever since 4th grade. It was so great...we curled up on my bed and laughed and watched our favorite movie "Only You", we took pictures and then had like the longest talk ever that lasted till 1AM...ya know those talks that are just meaningfull...we talked about our relationships with our men mostly, but we talked about our friendship and growing older thing too. It was weird...thinking this will never be like this again. It is sad....but we drifted off sleeping finally after drinking like a case of Mt Dew...what smarties we are I know. I woke up this morning at 6:30 AM running around like an idiot...aticipating my return to skewl and wondering where the hell my grey cheerleading shirt was....(we had to wear it cuz there was a game tonight) Anyway, we got ready and off we and nicole were gonna stop for coffe but by the time i got finaished yelling at my hair and her brishing her teeth we had no time....I didn*t think walking into Millers class late on the first day od skewl was not quite the appearance I was looking for. We showed up and things were great.....everyone was normal.....Eric punching me in the arm, people racing to my locker and lookin at my pictures, people hanging over the railing lookin down on the lower classmen. Finally, I realized...i was a was so great....i took a moment....and just thought...this is it....with that the bell rang and I went to computers II. Haha...nice....Only two seniors in the class me and well some other significant other. Its alright...I know everyone, its just kinda weird. Things went on and by 3rd hour I was ready to leave for my thingy at Keweenaw Home Health Services....(KHHS)I went out to my car like a normal human being and turned the key....after could peobaby here a long assortment of Fuhk this...fuhk stupid peice of Sh*t....bleep...bleep...(@*^#*@(^(*&$^( automobile was dead....absolutly no faith left in her. (BTW: I left my lights on) journey and stress of the day began....I went inside just frantic becuz of my commitments now becomming just totally fuhk-dup I got a ride to KHHS from one of my pals. I got there and things went great...i answer phones, file, and do some other nifty stuff...after 3 hours...missing my lunch break, and almost laminating my pinky I was off....Patty the other secretary took me back to heres the plot and problem for those who do not understand....the problem is my dad has the truck...I have mommys car....mommy has to get home from skewl some how and amy has her car...that is now dead...and amy is leaving at 2:15 on a bus to a game that is like really far away. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!! So......I gotm through-out my day freaking out and calling my mom to see what or how she could help. my day I got called to the office four times.....caleld like 9 people....and ran throughout the halls shaking my head and bitching like 200 times. first was FANTASTIC!!!! To top everything off....after talking to my mom the 4th time and her yelling at me this was around 2:00PM I went back to my 6th hour class....continued on to my 7th hour class and well...after the teacher in there finished with attendance she looked up at the class and said "hmmm alot of people are missing becuz of the basketball game" then she looked at me and said "Amy...aren*t you supposed to be on the bus?" I raised my eyebrow and grabbed my books and said "uhhh later" after that another long some of werds came outta my mouth its was in my head I knew there wasn*t a prayer of a chance I coulda made that bus...i still don*t understand why they didn*t announce it but oh fuhking well...I went to the office and begged for someone to jump the damn car.....fortunetly for me....Brandon was there and helped me out.....hye jumped my car and 3:00 PM (skewl gets out at 3:27) i decided to ditch the rest of the day....just like me...typical really...why go back...i went to my moms skewl...picked her up...went to the gym and called it a here i am typing and I still cannot believe what I did...i am such a retard.....but I don*t care...nope...not at all....Tomorrow will be bedder....truck has a automatic light shut off...hehe....So theres my was scary but true and i really hop it doesn*t happen to you....I managed to recieve more phone calls than the prinicpal, got called to the office more times in one day than in my whole life, missed the bus, broke the car, skipped skewl, and had a hell of a time doing this ALL in one day and on my last first day of skewl of my High School career....So....if yer reading this....don*t have sympathy...don*t wonder if my head had exploded.....just remember the moral of my day.....SHUT YER LIGHTS OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank-you...hehe Class of 2001 RULZ!!!!!!! Yah!

DiRty StuFf || All ClEaN!!


ConTacT Me
AIM: happylilbunny17

Time: 20:37:39
Date: 2000-08-29
Eating:Nothing :/
Wearing:Clothes, I hope!
Hearing: Typing
Reading: Papers
Chatting w/: No one
Thinking: too much.
Wanting: so much.

<< T0DAY I*m feelin'
The current mood of at

<< Who Am i!?
Pierced.Saracastic.Giving.Emotional. Sleepy.Lazy.Broke.Shy.Crazy.Silly.Sweet.Babygirl.Scared.Bored.Damaged.Bitchy. Fabulous.PunkRockStar.Moody. Misunderstood.Understanding.Hyper.Funny.Obsessive.Confused.Naughty.Psycho. Wild.Sympathetic.Weird.Unique.Cute.Evil.

Meter Thanx for commin!! *MUAH*
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